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Pregnant Ghost Shrimp

23 16:36:06

I currently have two ghost shrimp, one small mystery snail, and five neon tetras in a one gallon tank.  I do a small water change every other day (I have the container my Betta came in and I just scoop water out with it. It gets about half full).  I've had the tank for a little over a month now. Now on to my question.

One of my shrimp I just bought last week to keep my other shrimp company(I had bought two but one died)and one of them had eggs under her back legs, or she did yesterday.  Today I looked and noticed that the eggs were gone and there didn't seem to be a nest anywhere.  Is this normal?  Or did the fish somehow get ahold of the eggs and eat them?

Hi Rebekah
The fish or even the mama shrimp could've eaten them.  Or they could still be down there in the substrate.  I found this forum, they talk about all that's needed if you want to keep/breed them.

One suggestion, if you have any gravel in the bottom of your tank, any uneaten food or fish waste is going to settle down in the gravel-and you won't see it.  Eventually that'll mess up your water quality and probably even alter your ph.  I'm not sure if they work well in that small of a tank, but you may want to consider getting a small gravel vacuum to clean the gravel when doing the water changes(it'll also suck up some water when cleaning the gravel).

Hope that helps and good luck!
