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guppy bredding

23 15:56:01

Hi, I was wondering what is the best way the seperate the guppy female from the babies while she is giving birth. I have used a breeding trap a couple times and a few times it has worked but a few times the female aborted her young in it. What other methods are there for this? thanks. From, Andrew

Hi Andrew,
I would give the female guppy a small 2 gallon or 10 gallon tank to herself filled with a lot of plants as hiding places and refuge for the fry. The mother fish is most comfortable in this setting and the fry have a very good chance of surviving and the tank is a much better nursery for the fry than a breeding trap.

The key is to move the guppy female in as she starts to develop a large belly but not when she is huge and her bellied is "squared off" in shape and she's ready to have fry.

I do hope this helps!