Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Is My Fish Pregnant?

Is My Fish Pregnant?

23 15:56:37

QUESTION: This question has to do with all of the gouramis in my 10 gallon tank.I have a paradise gourami that I think may be pregnant. I have no other paradise gouramis in my tank, but 2 kissing gouramis and one blue gourami. I don't know if she really is pregnant, or who could be the father. This really worries me, being a new fish owner, I don't know how to take care of babies. Help me!

ANSWER: Hi Hannah,

It would be nice if you could include a picture. However, there is a very good chance that you Gourami is eggnant (Preganant). Depending on how large her stomach is, she should be giving birth in 2-4 weeks.

Caring for the babies is simple, but making sure that the eggs do not get eaten is harder. Once you see that the female is very fat, you will need to make sure that you monitor her carefully, to see when she 'drops'. Then, the male will fertilize the eggs, by following the female when she scatters the eggs. After you see the male do this, remove all the eggs and put them in a separate tank or a breeding trap (Available at fish stores).

The newborn fish can be fed powdered flakes, liquid fry food, baby brine shrimp, and food chopped or squished into tiny bite-sized pieces.

Good luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: If my fish is pregnant, then how do I put the eggs in a seperate tank when they become fertilized?

Hi Hannah,

The eggs are non-adhesive, and can be scooped out using a fine-meshed net or a large spoon. Try to be extremely careful, as they are quite delicate!

A better way is to divide the tank in half using a plastic aquarium divider. you can place the male and female together on one side, and when the males has finished fertilizing the female's eggs, you can remove the parents. That way, no other fish can bother the eggs, and you will not have to remove them.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!