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clarias catfish

25 9:07:04

I have a clarias catfish which I rescued a few months ago from a goldfish tank. He is 18 inches and lives on his own in a 48x24x18 tank. He had a red 'bruise' on his head when he arrived, recently though he has started scratching his head on gravel and now has a few 'bruises' on his head. I dont have a clue what is causing this. Water conditions are ph 6.4, nitrate 0, nitrite 0, temp is 75. Any advice you could give me would be very much appreciated.

Hi Mags;

The water chemistry looks good so I don't think there is anything wrong there. Do you ever see anything else on his head? Perhaps fish lice or anything? They are circular brownish-green flat parasites that suck their blood and leave reddish lesions. Here is a web page about it;

Redness often indicates bacterial infection so if it isn't a parasite I would look into that instead. You might try treating with "Maracyn" or "Maracyn 2".

I hope he feels better soon......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins