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my sick betta

23 15:57:24

I do not believe my betta has the velvet I thought he did I am still going to attempt to treat with maracyn as I dont know what else he has, I changed out his old water with coppersafe in it and am waiting to put in the new maracyn later tonight or tommoro. Is it alright to put in aquarium salt with medication at the same time? I am just curious if it will have adverse effects if I have other medication already in there.

Hi Olivia,

Since it's impossible to tell without a picture, try giving me a description of the fish's conditions, i.e. "Tiny white spots, cottony growth, etc".

Yes, beginning treatment with Maracyn will help. Most infections are bacterial, and Maracyn treats bacterial illnesses.

Aquarium salt can be added at the same time as the medication. a tablespoon per 5 gallons is enough.

Good Luck, and I hope your Betta recovers!