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Betta attacking snail

23 15:27:43

I have a male Betta in a 1.5 gal. Cube tank. I wanted something to put in there with it because it looked lonely. I decided on a mystery snail because I have had one before and I know what they act like already. I researched if they get along with bettas and I found that they do in most cases. After i bought it it didn't come out of it's shell until the next day. When it did I placed it in the Betta tank with a small 1 gal. ready to transfer the snail into just incase the Betta attacked it immediately. The Betta would check it out every once in a while but otherwise it left the snail alone. The snail doesn't come out much. Yesterday, they met face to face. After I turned my head for a second, I look back a the snail swiftly hid as if it were just attacked. About 30 min. Ago I saw that the snails left attenae was shorter. My guess is that the Betta ripped it off. Should I keep it in there, transfer it to the small container, or put it in my 10 gal.? One worry is that my ten gal has Cory they eat snails?... Another thing is that everytime I see the snail try to climb the glass, it falls.. I have yet to see it at the surface...just incase it can't get oxygen,I pick it up and hold it out of water to let it get air...what should I do? The last thing is, my Betta keeps fighting it's that normal? If not what should I do to stop it?
Thanks for reading this long message, I'm open to any advice you can give
Again, thanks:)

Hello Cheryl!

If you are really worried about your snail then you can {Don't have to} move it with the cory cats. But your Betta is most likely just trying to see what the snail is; if its harmless or not. It will eventually get used to it. My freshwater aquatic snails also fall off the sides of the tank which is perfectly normal. You shouldn't really pick it up to let it get oxygen because it will assume that it is constantly being attacked.

Make sure you also feed the snail some algae sinking wafers/tablets like once a week because there is probably not enough algae for it. I recommend the Hikari Algae Wafers which are availible @ your local pet store (Petsmart/Petco) if you live in the US. You can also use a piece of lettuce and clip it to the side of your tank for the snail and betta to eat. This can serve as a vacation feeder as it won't cloud the water alot.

If your betta is fighting its reflection, it's probably thinking the reflection is another betta. This is normal because bettas are highly aggressive especially when it comes to mating.

Hope this helps! :D