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HELP!! Pleco is RED and has gray slime

25 9:17:55

Hi Chris,
I emailed you earlier today, thanks for the reply, you said i should change 25%-50% of the water immediately, i did so.  I looked at my last surviving Pleco, he seems to be doing really bad, he is red and his eyes have this gray film over them AND he looks like he is shedding his skin(?).  He is just hanging there in the water, he is not really sucking the glass or anything, pretty lethargic, i guess that would be the right word.  I don't know what to do with him, I already lost his buddy (Pleco) this morning.  :(  I also have 2 water frogs in the tank, i don't want to do anything to harm them.  ANy suggestions would help!!!  THanks  

Hi Kimberly;

The poor guy has probably developed an infection from the toxins burning his skin and eyes. It just isn't good at all. You could change 50% of the water again but once they go limp they usually don't recover. I'm so sorry this is happening to you.

If you can do it right away, get some "Maracyn 2" and "Melafix" at the local fish store. The Maracyn 2 treats infection and the Melafix soothes his wounds and helps the skin heal. These will not harm the frogs.

Hoping for the best......

Chris Robbins