Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > red tiger oscars

red tiger oscars

23 16:20:56

the tail and fins on 1 of my oscars r being eaten away and i dont know what type of disease it could be wat do i do to fix it

Hi Daniel;

You didn't give me much information to help you but if he is in a tank with other oscars he may be getting bullied and nipped. Oscars are very aggressive territorial fish in the cichlid family. Provide plenty of rock caves and make sure they each have enough space. The minimum size tank for two oscars is 55 gallons, larger is better. If the tank is large enough and there are places to hide you may have to separate them.

If the edges of the fins on the affected fish look whitish, reddish or fuzzy, it's an infection that needs treatment. He would need to be isolated from the other fish for that too. Give me more info about your tank and your fish and I might be able to help more;

What size tank?
How long has the tank been set up?
How many fish? What size and what kind are they?
What kind of filtration?
How often is the filter cleaned?
What is the tank water temperature?
What kind of food do you feed your fish? How often are they fed?
When was the last water change and gravel vacuuming done?
How much water was replaced?

Let me know as soon as you can...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins