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Is my betta fish dying?

23 15:42:16

Hi I have a betta fish and since a while now he has been lying around the aquarium floor he is not eating and he only moves to get some air he looks very swollen up and fat I have no idea what this is so could you please help me.

Hi Victoria,
I'm sorry to hear that...

From the symptoms you described it could be many things. Lying on the bottom, not eating, and being swollen could be internal problems which are quite difficult to treat. Tumors could be responsible especially if the betta is elderly. Kidney problems causing fluid retention and therefore swelling are unfortunately untreatable and the best thing you can do is make sure the fish is as comfortable as possible.

Do your best to keep the water clean and warm, don't let him get chilled. And make sure he doesn't have to work too hard to get a gulp or two or air, you may have to lower the water level a bit.

Swim bladder issues due to constipation are common with bettas. A diet lacking balance in fiber or variety can cause intestinal blockages and put pressure on the swim bladder organ, and this organ controls the fish's equilibrium so if something goes wrong with it, the poor fish may struggle tremendously to swim up from the bottom and some individuals float to the surface on their sides or upside down. Swim bladder issues can also be caused by drastic water quality changes, injuries, too low a temperature, or internal bacterial infections.

The most common cause is constipation though. You could try offering him some frozen brine shrimp or daphnia to help any blockages in his system just in case. Oftentimes when fish do not eat their regular food, foods that resemble what they eat in the wild can often tempt them to eat again.

With the way your poor little fish is now in my experience bettas experiencing these serious symptoms are unfortunately too far gone to help. And all you can do is keep him as comfortable as possible to the best of your ability.

But I do wish you the best and I hope this helps!