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Fish Fungus

23 15:36:51

They keep getting this cotton looking, flakey-ish white stuff on them, it looks like the sheded skin of a lizard but all stuck together and pointing out. please help and one has already died because of it! It also looks like there skin is lifting off there original layer of skin/Scales... or something like that...  :/ They are fresh water Zebra Danios, and someother possible Cichlids or Gouramis.

Hi Sam,

I don't do private questions, so this has gone public to help others who may search for answers for similar diseases.

Please go to the store and purchase Quick Cure and add it to the tank.  It does not sound like a bacteria, but rather a parasite called Ich.

Ich leaves small pointy white spots and kills quickly and it's highly contagious.

The good thing is it's curable.

How to administer the quick cure -

Dose the tank according to instructions.

Raise the heat to 80 degrees.  This speeds up the lif-cycle of the Ich and they become free-swimming faster and can be killed easier if they are in that stage of their life-cycle.

Remove any kind of filter pad that has carbon, but keep filters moving for the fish.

Follow directions on the bottle to a tee. :)

Good luck with your fish and getting this under control.
