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New Betta

23 15:41:32

QUESTION: I have had bettas for a while now, and currently have 3. The 3rd one I got recently (about a week or so ago) and his behavior is odd for me. All the other bettas I've had and currently have, have been outgoing spunky little fish. This new betta, however, is VERY shy. he has been hiding in a plastic log and rarely comes out. When he does he barely moves a centimeter without flaring at something. His tank is near my other bettas and it is fairly quiet where they are. Is there any reason he is so shy and is scared and flares at everything? He also likes to keep his head down when he is out of his log and just look at the gravel on the tank floor. Then he waits like 3 seconds and flares and then relaxes and stares at the gravel again. I have not seen him eat yet, but I think he has nibbled on some of the food I have given him because it takes hours to sink and some of it has disappeared off the top. Please let me know if you have a suggestion for him...

ANSWER: Julia,

Hello, lets see if we can figure out the problem, but first i have a few questions. Where he is at, can he see the other Betta's. How big is the tank he is in? Do you have a heater in there with him. What other decorations besides the log, if any, are in the tank with him? What are you feeding him? All these can make a Betta skittish. He is also trying to get used to his new surroundings. Let me know the answers to the questions and I can help you out better.

Thank you

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He is currently in my office. He can see the other bettas, but they are not really close to him. The closest one is a good foot away. He is in a 2 gallon, and no there is no heater but the thermometer in his tank says the water is 72˚, and this is as cold as it it gets here (its night time =]. He has his log and two fake plants (no sharp or rough edges on anything in the tank) Currently he has a choice between wardley betta food pellets and tetra bettamin tropical flakes for food, but is was suggested recently to feed live brine shrimp to perk his appetite.

ANSWER: Julia,

Ok, the tank is a good size, so that isn't the problem. He is close enough to see the other Betta's so that is one reason he is flaring out. One problem, however, is the tank water. Betta's are tropical fish and need a heater set to at least to 82 degrees. Any lower and they become lethargic. They will not swim nor will they eat. I would get a heater for him and as the water warms up, you will see more movement and eating. As long as he doesn't have white dots on him, he sounds pretty healthy. Give the heater a try and let me know if he doesn't get any better. his food is good, but they can get very picky. I feed all 11 of my adults. frozen blood worms, and frozen brine shrimp. they also get Betta flakes, pellets, when i hatch baby brine shrimp for my fry i tend to give the adults some too, and on occasion i feed them very small slices of fish. I am thinking that if you get his water temp up you will see a big difference in the way he acts.

Hope this helps and if not, just let me know and I will help figure out a different way.

Good Luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Do you know of a good heater that would work well with a 2gal tank? All the ones I've found online are minimum 5gal. Thanks.


Most of the smaller heater say up to 5 gallon. You can find them at you local pet store. I use the ones that have a dial so I can adjust it as needed. There are heaters out there that say they keep the tank at a certain level, but i have found they don't work that well. Make sure it is a fully submersible heater, they work the best.