Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > fish shape??? (continued again)

fish shape??? (continued again)

23 16:14:03

it again made me start a new post!

Well I've gotten them a different brand of tropical flakes, freeze dried tubifex(tetras can eat these right? I haven't opened it yet) and freeze dried shrimp so hopefully this
will improved their diet.

Another thing I was wondering is what your advice was on moving this tank?
In about two weeks I'll be moving back into my college apartment and was planing on coupling the moving of the tank  from home to school with my ultimate plan of moving the fish into a 20-gallon tank. So if this would be too stressful for them??? as well as how much of the old tanks water should i save for the 20-gallon tank if I go ahead as planned. Also I was planing on placing the fish into a cylindrical bucket that I use for the water changes (FYI its 5gallon bucket and I have a lid with wholes for it)along with a live plant for them to hide in.. but since they've been getting sick lately I'm a little worried of the stress of the move and if there's anything I should change?


I guess a lot of that would depend on how long you have to keep them in the bucket.... but the more water you can take with them the better... You can get portable bubblers that run on batteries so that you can give them oxygen while they are in the bucket... in fact Walmart has live bait buckets that work great for transporting fish.  dave