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How many tetras in 50G

23 15:26:20

I recently bought a 50 gallon aquarium and planning to keep only tetras. About 70-80% neon & cardinal and, maybe, a few other varieties.
Can u suggest an appropriate number (and combination)  I can keep ? <the more the better :) >
*by 'combination' I mean the other types that will look good with neon/cardinal.

I was also thinking about cherry barbs.. Are they compatible with these tetras ?
Lastly, what are the equipments I should get and steps to follow to ensure the fishes do well in my tank ? <presently I have air pump, internal power filter with flow rate 264 gallons/hr>

Well since you have 50G tank (fairly large and spacious), you can have up to 30-45 Tetras. Since Cardinals and Tetras are about the same size, (if you're planning to keep 30 fish) then 15 Neons and 15 Cardinals would be nice, or 25 Neons and 15 Cardinals (for 40 fish) would be OK. You don't want to add too much fish because you will also need Decor./plants/etc.

If you want to keep Cherry Barbs, it will lower and the amount of fish you will have. Cardinals and Neons are very timid and tend to swim in large groups together. The fewer of its own kind, the higher the death percentage.

Here are the equipment you would want, but *DON'T* have (excluding Decor/Plants):

Fish Net
Gravel Vacuum (for cleaning the gravel and changing water)
Bubbler (optional)
Green Killing Machine Internal UV Sterilizer with Power Head (Helps keep your aquarium water crystal clear
Kills algae/Pathogens/harmful bacteria,Reduces water changes, Fast and easy installation. Optional)
Thermometer (F or C will be fine, depends on which unit you tend to use)

Hope this helps and plz give me a good rating! :D
PS Don't hesitate to ask more Q's! xD