Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Betta Compatibility

Betta Compatibility

23 15:22:17

QUESTION: Hey, I have a 75 gallon tropical tank that has shrimp, small non fin-nipping tetras, rasboras, guppies, etc. I have heard that female bettas are good community members if kept in groups of 3 or more. Is that true? If so, can I keep a male with them or is that asking for trouble? Thanks!

Yes, many people have been able to have more than one female Betta in the same tank. Since your tank is pretty big, I do not think you will have any problems. I would not, however, add the male to the mix. They are very aggressive and could go after not only the females, but other fish in the tank. If you have male guppies, then I definitely would not add the male Betta.

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QUESTION: Alright, thanks! Just out of curiosity, why would the male guppies be an issue with the male betta?

Male guppies have long colorful tails. The male Betta will think the male guppy is one of his kind and will fight the guppy. The winner of the battle will be the Betta every time.

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QUESTION: Alright, thanks! Last question: In my smaller tank I've had some trouble getting the slower-eating fish to have enough to eat because of the platy, so I'm kinda worried that the same thing might happen with the female bettas when I put them into this tank. Is there any kind of trick to making sure they get fed? Right now I feed flake and freeze-dried food, along with occasional Cyclop-eeze granules. I have 2 floating feeder rings to keep the floating food from going everywhere also.

One thing you can try is feeding the platy on one side of the tank as you are feeding the slower fish on the other side. I have found that it works pretty good. If you put a Betta in the tank, do not feed her flake foods. This will cause problems with her and making her bloat. Only feed Betta fish pellet food made just for them.