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Swordtail and platy/guppy

23 15:34:51

Hi renee!
So i figured out my platy is a male but im confused as to why my guppy is trying to mate with him?... And my platy seems to be lonely so i was thinking about getting a female swordtail becayse i have decided to try breeding so how would i get them in the "mood"?

Hi Alicia,

He's probably mating with him, because he's breathing.  That's a little joke...they mate anything that moves.  Lol.  He's just lonely. :-/

No worries.  You should consider a female, yes.  I think so.  I'd get them each a female.

They will be in the mood.  No need to I said, anything that breathes or moves with a fin is fair target.

Good luck!
