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23 15:34:51


I have a kribensis species tank, but i want to make it a mixed community tank(with the kribensis) My question is can i keep adding fish like tetras,and other compatible fish.(i will not overcrowd the fish) but will it work??


ANSWER: Hi Ruan,

Actually, the Kribensis is the most peaceful cichlid I know of.  In my opinion, they make absolutely wonderful community tankmates, BUT - not to very small fish.  They are, afterall, African Cichlids and they like to eat small fish on occasion.

I've never had one attack a small fish, but many have.

Therefore, I would advise if you add Tetra, add Tets who are at least 1 inch long.  They will be less likely to fall prey to a territorial Kribensis.

They are also less territorial than other cichlids and are my absolute favorite dwarf cichlid.

Ruan, I hope this helps.  Write back anytime.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you, My pair have a second and first bunch in the tank, the second is 50 days old, can i just add other fish?

ANSWER: You can, Ruan.  You can try adding one more fish to see how it goes.  Try to pick a docile species. :)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you, i want to add a few coloured widows, black widows,angelfish, and a algea eater. Please tell me if this is correct.

Barring the size of the aquarium, and capacity to hold so many fish, I would think they are a fine combination.


The 1" of fish per gallon rule does change incrementally when you add a Pleco.  The pleco will be a heavy pooper.  He needs at least 10 gallons to himself, when you calculate fish competition and waste to be filtered.  So you will need to accommodate that many fish, appropriately with a good filter, water changes, and the properly sized aquarium.

Happy fish-keeping.
