Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > guppies???


23 17:01:12

I already have 7 goldfish in my 55 gallon tank and recently started up my 10 gallon with 2 apple snails, but would like some fish to add to my 10 gallon for interest.  It is 68F (no heater)  What fish do you recommend.  (Something small and active, many several little things - not big fancy goldfish) I thought guppies or white cloud minnows would be fun, but I've heard differing opinions on their temp preferance.  What fish can I place in my 10 gallon that are very small but fun and easy to keep?  How many could I fit in there responsibly. Thnaks!


Either guppies or white cloud minnows would be fine, but white cloud minnows are a little better suited to cooler water temperatures. I think for such a small tank it is better to stick with one species, so you can get a nice school of them without overstocking. I would say you should put no more then around eight in your aquarium. Less is always ok, but you should have two or three at least because both guppies and minnows are schooling fish.

I hope this helps.
