Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Sick Cichlid: Lucy

Sick Cichlid: Lucy

23 15:55:52

QUESTION: Hi Nathan,
Thanks so much for your email.  I never heard of a fish having two different types of infections at the same time...  Is there a way I can send you a photo of her so you can diagnos her?  I dont see a place to upload photos here...  Also can I somehow remove the wht cottony growth from her?  Put something in there if she lets me and brush the stuff off?  I dont want to hurt her slime coat...


ANSWER: Hi Suzanne,

Yes, having a mixed infection is not common, but it DOES happen. It's also difficult to treat since you don't want to poison the fish with too much medication, yet you need to treat a variety of diseases. The most common mixed infection is probably Ich and Velvet.

You can attach a picture in the 'Ask a Question' page. There's a link somewhere near the bottom where you can do that. You can upload any image that you've taken and saved to your computer.

If the white cottony stuff is so spread out that you can actually  pluck it, then it's probably a fungus. Columnaris doesn't usually spread that far apart from the body.

Don't attempt to remove the stuff by hand. You risk stressing the fish, damaging her scales, and like you mentioned, exhausting her slime coat. Without a slime coat, her condition will deteriorate further.

I look forward to hearing from you soon about your fish.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi Nathan,
I can't find the link to upload the photo.  I asked Tech support for help and hopeufully they will let me know soon!


ANSWER: Hi Suzanne,

I hope your Cichlid gets better soon.

Remember to keep doing those water changes!

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Nathan,
Lucy is better!  I think you were right that it was a combination illness of bacteria and fungus... so strange.  I started the fungus meds after days of bacteria meds and then it went away!  So thanks again for your help.  I'm hoping I don't need help again and she says healthy!

Best ,
p.s.  This fish category does not allow photo uploading. The guy told me it depends on the category.  Can you ask them to add it?

Hi Suzanne,

I'm very happy to hear that Lucy is recovering! Fungus only affects fish that are stressed, or have their slime coat damaged/weak. Your fish probably was still recovering from the Columnaris, and so her slime coat was weakened, and a fungus took the opportunity.

If you have any more problems with your fish in the future, don't hesitate to ask me - I'm always happy to lend a hand!

P.S. That's strange... many people have posted pictures of their Goldfish in their question! (Strangely enough, I've only received pictures of Goldfish!) Perhaps they've removed the link. I'll try to see if I can convince them to add a link, since it's essential to have pictures of sick fish to properly diagnose them.

Anyways, best wishes to your Lucy, and Happy Fishkeeping!