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Bronze Cory Color Loss

23 16:41:23

10 Gallon Tank
Temp = 77F
1 Filter, Under Gravel
Water Changes every 2 weeks 30%
Populated with Neon tetras and white cloud minnows for past 6 months

I added 4 Bronze Corys 2 weeks ago 1 of them was slightly lighter in color than the others over the last week this one has lost all it's color and turned white, water tests are normal and it's still eating ok, all the other fish seem normal.

Is there a problem with it or is this normal

Also I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks in September what is the best way to feed the fish while I'm away.

Thanks in advance


Well, this recently happened to one of my older corys. I found out that he was just old and on his way out. Perhaps this is the case with your fish. If there is not signs of diseases or parasite chances are this is the case. Just treat it as normal. Watch for signs like: salt-like spots, bumps, fuzzy films, white films, cloudy eyes, torn rotting fins, darting on rocks and decor, and any other odd symptom like not eating. I hope it has a good life while it is still there. Also, I would not advice adding any more fish to the tank. One other reason for the cory discoloring could be the fact that the corys are alittle overstocked. Most people advice adding the most possible but in my experience they do better in smaller numbers if they are in a small tank. Sometimes when there are more in a small tank they can act sad and not eat. Let me know if you need more help. I hope all works out and the info I gave you helped you some. Oh, I almost forgot. The best feeding method while away is a feeder. However, you will have to check and make sure they have feeders for 2 weeks. If they do not than you can look into the automatic powered feeders. I do not know much about them but they are powered and let out a pre-determined amount of actual flake food when you set it, rather than the feeders which are the powder blocks which desolve slowly in the water.