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blue ram, is it white spots or just bubble particles?

23 16:44:08

I have a 62L tank with 5 blue rams and 2 painted cory.
1 of the 1st rams I bought only got some white dots on 1 side of its body, perhaps only 3-4 spots, very tiny. I noticed it after I added an extra 3 blue rams 1 week later. 1 male and 2 females I think. If they get intimidated by another blue ram is it possible it could be white spots? or is it just tiny bubbles attached. reason being I had a ram before this 1 and it had the same problem but now its gone.

Ok this sounds like ich it is fatal, but only if you leave it untreated. To treat the ich use "Rid Ich" and aquarium salt and you should start seeing some improvement after the first week. The white spots are called "Ich" it usually comes into tanks when you buy new fish from a petstore or breeder.