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You know, a question...

25 9:17:46

Hi Karen!

I haven't write in a while, I hope you've been doing just fine.

Well, I got a question, it happened that the biggest (and oldest) of my goldfishes got all lethargic,he just lies on the bottom of the tank an moves  very little, he's swollen too and have a little of what some call "pinecone effect" in the scales.
 I know for sure that he's old, we got him some three years ago and he looked already so big (like 4 inches the body only, nevermind his tail) and even being well he lately would fall back and get all vertical when sleeping, so maybe that complicates the whole thing.

Now, at first i thought he was constipated and give him some treatment for that but it only worked for a while, then nothing, i also looked it up in a web page and found it was probably dropsy but i didn't know for sure.
 I hope you can help me with this one.
As always thank you very much for your time.

                                Steevie Woo,                                                                
                                Mexico City.

Hi Steevie! I've been fine thank you and I hope you are the same.... ;-)

I am so sorry but it sounds like your Goldfish DOES have dropsy. I so dread to say it. Because honestly, I have never been able to treat a fish successfully despite using the best possible treatment regimen. But I shouldn't say there is no hope because there always is some chance of getting rid of the illness.
Actually it is not a illness itself but a symptom of what could be many things, either bacterial, viral, or a secondary illness of any previous constipation. The best treatment is raising the water temperature warm to about 82 F and using epsom salts to help the fish lose some of the built up fluids inside his body. Don't use regular aquarium salt, as this will not help the condition much at all because the poor fish is having a hard time getting rid of the excess fluid inside his body. Measurement for Epsom salt is about 1/8 teaspoon per 5 gallons of water. ~
Because goldfish don't appreciate warmer water that is needed for treatment, increase the aeration in the aquarium by airstones or if there is a way to increase your current filter's water disturbance more. Along with this you may try some of the commonly available products claimed to get rid of dropsy in fish. Your petstore should have several varieties available and may point you to a medication they might have had luck with in the past. Water quality must be kept in excellent condition during treatment. Do plenty of water changes. This treatment period will have to drag on for about 2 weeks or so.

Before you begin treatment, be sure he doesn't just have a bad case of constipation. I noticed you said you treated for that but it worked for only a little while. If you treated with say, frozen peas, it worked and then you fed he back on his regular food it might be his food causing a problem for him. If you suspect this you must treat for constipation and figure out what might be wrong with his current food.

I am afraid to say though that is sounds like your goldfish has dropsy and needs help fast. I must also note that a three year old goldfish is barely OLD!! The average goldfish life span is around 10 years--possibly more. Your fish is far from being old.

I really hope this helps you! I am really, really, sorry for the bad news. I do wish you the best of luck in treating your goldfish, I hope he gets better!

Best wishes,
Happy holidays and Happy fishkeeping!
Ps: ~*~Please go to "" for lots of information on goldfish illness, including pictures, symptoms, and treatments. Best of luck!