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Tank Algae cleaning

23 15:55:24

QUESTION: Hi Nathan,
I'm just wondering, what can I use to scrub algae off the sides of the tank? I was thinking of one of the dishwashing scrubber pads, but I'm afraid that it might scratch the glass. Are there any special tools I can get? It's just the occasional piece of algae (I don't have a major algae problem, don't worry)

ANSWER: Hey Bobby,

It's actually quite easy to remove algae from the glass panels. Don't use the kitchen scrubbers, especially if they've been used before - most of these pads will scratch the glass, and any detergent residue can poison your fish.

Your best option would be to purchase an aquarium algae magnet. Theses compact devices are available at your local fish store, and prices range from $5 for a small one to $25 or more. they are nifty little things, with two separate pieces. One piece goes on the outside, while the other goes in the water (submerged), and contains a scrubbing pad. The two stick together due to their powerful magnetism (through the glass). By moving the outside one, you also move the inside one, which cleans off all the algae! Brilliant, and your hand don't even get wet!

Another slightly cheaper option would be to buy an aquarium-safe scrubbing pad. It should be designed specifically for aquarium use, and can cost anywhere from $2-6. Ones with a handle cost more. The downside of this is that unless you buy one with a handle, your hands get wet, AND you have to clean the brush with every use.

I'd definitely get the magnet. All brands are pretty much equivalent.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I know this is off-topic, but can Tiger Barbs be kept with Zebra Danios?


Hi Bobby,

Tiger Barbs are infamous for their fin-nipping behavior. However, this is only because new or novice aquarists keep them singly or in a pair. They MUST be kept in a group of 5 or more. Keeping them in a small school will greatly reduce aggression, because they will tend to pick and play on their own kind, rather than their tankmates.

Zebra Danios should also be kept in groups of 5 or more. They swim amazingly fast, and will easily put up with the slower Tiger Barbs.

If you are planning to put the two together, you will need a 20 gallon or larger tank.

Good Luck!