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fish help !!!

23 16:06:15


i have 2 gourmi fish which are rather large and normally blue in colour but over the last few days one of them keeps turning brown/grey in colour.

Some of the smaller fish seem to be trying to nip at it.

it doesnt seem un well but very aggressive when other fish come too near it. its only like this over a certian patch in the tank and will not move away from this spot.

please help it my fish ok ???


Hi Christina: I would check the gravel in the spot very carefully and make sure there are no eggs there.  Gourami can be territorial so if you see no eggs in that spot I would add a tank decoration that he/she can hide in.  Also make sure it is eating. I would offer brine shrimp or tubi worms for the next day or so.  Fish can lose their color because of changes in their diet.   dave