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kissing groumies

23 16:05:17

We have a 50gal tank with 2 pink kissing groumies, 5 neons, 4 speckled mollys, 1 rainbow shark, and a large Plicostmos. I wanted to know how can I tell if we have 2 groumies or a pair that will produce fry? I am fairly certain that they have enough space, and we did see them kissing but not the other things mentioned in the mating ritual. What is the easiest way to tell if i have male and female or if I have 2 of the same. At a glance they look identical.

Kissing gouramis are the hardest to identify as, yes they do look identical :)

Look from the top.  Mature females will be wider than males, due to the eggs inside them.  However, your chances of breeding kissing gouramis range from slim to none as they are really hard to breed.  Your chances go way up if you start with one of each sex.

You might want to move the neons as the gouramis will eat them in the future.

Good Luck   Jack