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Auratus Cichlid

23 15:57:58

I had a tank of several different species of Cichlids. One died and we didn't realize it for several days (white puff balls were already forming around tank). One fish was upside down, still breathing but stuck to the filter about to die. Another fish was turning very pale, tail completely discolored, and had white specs all over its body including on his eyes. None survived. The only fish that is still going strong is our Auratus Cichlid. She is now turning pale and not very active. I got some ammonia remover since other fish died in tank, checked ph, nitrate, etc levels. Only one that has a problem is nitrate. I removed her from tank since we got smaller ones still in there with her. Is there anything else I can do or something I am doing wrong?

Hi Monica,

Since I don't have a picture, I can't tell if the Cichlid is sick or not. If you don't notice any visible signs of disease, the pale Cichlid may just be stressed. I'd perform a 20% water change every day for about a week, to dilute any harmful substances, such as the nitrate. You are not doing anything wrong; but why did you get the ammonia remover if you didn't find any ammonia in the test? Just do the water changes, and that will reduce the risk of getting a disease. If you DO notice any signs of the white cottony growths or the salt-grain size white specks, then you should get a medicine immediately.

The White cottony growths are either fungus(seems to fan out), or Columnaris bacteria. Maracyn/Maracyn-2 would work best for Columnaris.

The white dots are Ich, a protozoan disease. getting a parasite killer will cure that.

Good Luck, I hope your fish recovers!