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freshwater Molly injury

23 15:28:34

i think i've injuried a fish by lifting it out of the tank becuase i was cleaning some plant matter off the filter and the fish got caught at the same time the rear fin of the fish is not working correctly now. will the fish die or is there a chance it will recover? there seems to be internal injury as the white colour of the Molly looks reddish on the outter surface

Hi Ruth,
I'm sorry to hear about the injury of your fish. The possibility of your Molly surviving depends on what happens in the future. If its tank mates nip it it will surely die. Get a quarantine tank and use drinking pure water so it won't get infected as easily. If you separate it like this, then it will recover. Change one cup of the water in the quarantine tank every 1-2 days so there will be less bacteria to infect it.
Hope this helped!