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Black Moor curled gill cover

23 15:28:33

Dear Samuel,
I have a black moor fancy goldfish for 8 months and it has its gill covers curled back.  It has been this way for 6 months now and seems to be getting more curled.  Recently he has not been moving around much.  I have cleaned the tank, (10Gallon), added an bubble aerator, and added a algae eating fish. The moor does move around more now but no change in the gill cover.  If there is no change can it still live a long life?  Anything else I can do?

Hello Carlita,
How have you kept your fish? The items and fish you added will help. I have never had my fish's gill curled like that so I'm thinking its an infection. I advise you to put it in another tank so other fish(Not the algae eaters, just other tank mates) won't nip its gill. Make sure the quarrantine tank has the bubble aerator too.
Hope this helped!
PS Give me a good rating!