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Corydoras Catfish

23 15:55:37

Hi Nathan,

Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.
What's the minimum tank size for a few Corydoras Catfish. I don't have much room in my house, and I'm afraid that a 10-gallon tank may be the biggest I can get. Would Cory Cats do well in this? If so, I'm only planning on keeping them, and no more other fish.


Hi James,

Corydoras Catfish will do well in a 10-gallon tank! You can keep 3-4 Cats in the tank, depending on your filter. Adding some dense plants to the tank will improve the look, and will make your Cats feel much more comfortable in their environment. They are used to shady areas and medium-dim lighting.

You can feed them sinking bottom feeder tablets, algae wafers, or pretty much anything that will float down to the bottom.

Good Luck, and Happy fishkeeping!