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compatibility betta etc

23 16:47:04

I purchased a tank, set it up, etc, introduced 5 neon veuve and this week 5
tetra and lastly today the betta, which stays to the bottom of the tank, is this
I have some plants too how do I plant them?
(beginner to all this)

Hi Louise,
Sometimes, bettas don't like to be in a tank with other fish. It really depends on their personality. Also, bettas don't like alot of water current, so if your filter is causing alot of current, place a piece of pantyhose or netting over the filter outlet and attach it with a
rubber band. This will help to slow down the water current.

Bettas will also act very strange if their water quality is bad. Since your tank hasn't had enough time to complete a cycle(takes3-6wks for beneficial bacteria to establish in your tank) you could have alot of ammonia and nitrite in the water and this will make your fish sick. The best way to control this is to do regular frequent water changes at least twice a week and remove 1/3-1/2 of the tank water. Be sure to dechlorinate and make sure the replacement water is the same temperature as the tank water. If you can, buy an ammonia and nitrite test kit at your fish store and test you water to be sure it is safe for your fish. If at any time the ammonia level or nitrite level is too high immediately do a 50% water change to help to dilute the ammonia or nitrite. After you test your water and you get readings of 0 for ammonia and nitrites then your tank is cycled. You will still need to do weekly partial water changes and remove at least 1/3 of your water. Also be sure to siphon the gravel at least once a week to be sure it is clean. Check your filter and if the filter media appears dirty you can rinse it in some of your aquarium water whenever you are doing a water change. Just don't rinse it in tap water since this will kill any beneficial bacteria that is established in the filter.

Be sure to not over feed your fish while your tank is still cycling since that will only produce more fish waste and possibly decaying food.

If you want to use live plants you can plant them anytime. Just make sure you have enough substrate to plant them in and cover the roots. Live plants also help with the fish waste since they sort of use it like fertilizer. I don't know for sure just how large your tank is but the larger the tank the more lighting you will probably need. Some plants require more watts than others.

Be sure to keep you tank warm enough for bettas or they really become listless. Around 76-80F is comfortable for them.

Best of luck with your new tank!
Hope this has helped,