Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Ich or Injury?

Ich or Injury?

23 16:12:46

Hi, Chris!  I'm hoping you can help me out.. I've a 26 gallon tank with 5 fish, two skirts, a cherry barb and two mollies. I just noticed this evening that the cherry barb has a white bump (almost looks like a pimple) at the front of the tail, right where it connects with the body.  I don't believe it's ich, since it's only one spot and it's a bump.  Could this be an injury of some sort?  

I ask because my other cherry barbs may have been victims of the other fish in the tank.  I came home one day to find a body floating in the water (no head and part of a tail - creepy).  

Please let me know if you've any ideas or questions - I'll be happy to answer!



Hi Justin;

It could be in injury or even just a wart or something. Sometimes fish grow tumors too. I would watch it and isolate the fish if it gets worse so he doesn't get harassed by your other fish. You could try an antibiotic or something but without knowing what's wrong, I don't know what would or wouldn't work.

You may have an aggressor in the tank that is bullying the others. Some mollies can get pretty nasty and so can some skirted tetras. I would watch from a distance and see if any are chasing or nipping the others. Provide extra plants and other decorations too so that they can hide from each other if you see anything going on.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins