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My wagtail wont eat

23 16:39:14

Hi, I have a new tank (two weeks) with 6 neon tetras, 3 wagtail platties, 2 albino cories and a bushy-nosed pleco. The platties were doing great, they were swimming together and eating well. For the past three days one won't eat. He's getting skinny. He seems to twitch (hard to tell with a fish) and he won't fan his tail or fins. He goes towards the food but doesn't eat any. I'm using tetramin. I can't see anything else wrong with him. Do you know what it could be or what I should do?

Thank you!

Worried for Wagtail

Hi, Some platties seem to be less aggressive than others and get intimidated when it comes time to eat.  It may be best to separate him and put a little aquarium salt and melafix in his area. That will take some stress off him and he will start to eat. Or you could leave him in the tank and just add aquarium salt and a little melafix to your aquarium. Platties need salt and i find it helpful to add salt and melafix to my new aquariums it seems to help the fish adapt to the tank and they become hardy quickly.  If you have any more questions or concerns about him let me know.