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my bettas sick

25 9:19:13

Hi Karen,
        Unfortunately Indi died this morning. He seemed to be a lot better after i emailed you, his fins and tail looked fuller and werent as shrivelled but then these past couple of days he's stopped eating. Last night he was blowing bubbles all over the bowl, not in a corner like he normally does. When I woke up this morning he was irratically swimming round the bowl but on his side. I then knew he was dying. Shortly after he slumped by a rock and passed away. He looked in so much pain. I feel awful because it was me who added the mollies and he was happy before that. I kept him in my room at uni so he was extra special because he kept me company when i was on my own. I brought him home with me this holiday but wont be taking him back. I am concerned about adding anymore fish to my tank with the mollies because I dnt want them to become ill. I've got to take him out now, think someone else might have to help.Thank you for all your help, it made someone who doesnt know a lot about fish feel a whole lot better, very reassuring!

Thank you, Beth
Followup To

~Poor Indi! I don't think this was your fault really. You've been taking the very best care of Indi and I must give you a million and one cheers for that!!! :-)
*So you have already changed Indi's water by 100%? And he still seems to be doing poorly? Then I'm afraid he might be getting an illness maybe from the stress or perhaps the mollies you added temporarily, could have given him some sort of parasites or an infection. I am saying this is only a "maybe" and he could just be stressed out from the new mollies added then taken out. Did you add the water from the bag that the mollies were in- into Indi's bowl? That water could have been very different from his own and might have even had some illness still in it from a different batch of fish at the petstore. You never know.

*Does Indi still eat? If he is still eating that is an excellent sign that he is feeling a bit better about things. If he doesn't want food at all you must watch him to make sure he isn't becoming ill.
*Make sure he doesn't develop a fungus infection or an Ick parasite infection. Watch him for any abnormal spots or patches, if anything looks really weird on him, you must research possible illnesses he may have, or you COULD also email me if you want... ;-)

~Well Beth, I hope I helped at least somewhat. Remember, email me again on anymore concerns you have. I am more than happy to help you out all I can. Oh and Good luck on your new mollies, I hope they are happy and healthy in their new 10 gallon home!
*Give me updates on how everything is going from time to time if you don't mind! ;-)

~Wishing the very best to you, Indi, and your Mollies!~

Take care and happy fishkeeping!

Hi Beth,

I am so sorry about Indi... we may never know what exactly caused him to pass.. It could have been some strange illness, or too much stress. It seems a mystery to me. Don't feel guilty, it could have had nothing to do with the mollies, Indi could have been sick to begin with from something or he could have been rather old and coming to his end naturally. I know exactly what it's like whenever you lose a pet fish. The first thing you feel is guilt, and you think, "why didn't I do this?" Or "Why didn't I do that?" and "Why did I do that!?" But sometimes you realise your pet fish's passing might not have been preventable and you did all you could to save them but you could do no more. At least now Indi is in heaven, swimming the endless rice paddies where wild bettas originally lived, eating all the most tasty insects and mosquito larvae which are also endless, building many bubblenests, and attracting many beautiful ladies and doing all his most favorite things to in the world. And he has you to remember--his great owner, who cared for him and did all she could for him...And someday, you two will meet once more and cross the rainbow bridge together, forever together, and forever happy... :-)

~I hope this made you feel a bit better~

~With your mollies, I would give them about two weeks of observing to insure they don't develop any illness...If they prove themselves healthy for 2 weeks or longer, I would say it's safe to add several other fish...

~Well, I am sorry again about Indi, still I am wishing you the very best with everything...Perhaps you should look to it as a new beginning~

Take care Beth, and happy fishkeeping as always,
Ps: I'm glad I was of some help to you! Your very welcome for everything...It's so good to hear my words are reasssuring~Thanks so much! :-)