Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > stinking snails

stinking snails

25 9:20:51

--I have also have considered putting activated charcoal in the tank. And maybe too small of a tank. Chris this could be a great witnessing tool.-----------------------
Followup To
Question -
hi Chris
   sense our batas kept bothering our 2 snails we put them in a tank of their own, bot the smell is gross. what can we do?

Jesus loves  you!
Answer -
Hi Mark;

I know! Isn't He awesome? Jesus loves you too.....

Could the snails be in too small a tank? Does it have a filter? Snails are basically "poop machines" so they need more care than we usually think. Change their water often and give them a good filter. The tank is probably going through a break-in period too which can be a bit on the stinky side. More water changes will help.

God Bless You Mark!..........

Followups welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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Hi Mark;

Carbon or charcoal would be okay, but replace it once a week. Once it absorbs all the miscroscopic stuff it can, it sometimes starts leaching it back into the water. You are probably right that they need a bigger tank.

I do witness to people here from time to time. It doesn't come up real often because it isn't a personal forum where people are in need for themselves, just their fish. I get questions from all over the world so it can be pretty interesting that way too. Many cultures and religions. I have a weblog on Xanga where I share about that more. I post about my political ideas there too. I'm a mom of four kids and a wife of a wonderful husband who works hard so I can stay with our 3 kids who still live at home. It's surprising to most people that I am a woman. **smiling**

If you'd like to visit me, my weblog is;

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God Bless You;
Christine Robbins