Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > White protrusions on my goldfishs head

White protrusions on my goldfishs head

25 9:10:40

Hey Stephanie.

Recently, we set up a 20 gallon tank for our 2 fish. A fantail goldfish and a koi fish, both were too large for our 10 gallon tank. But a few days after setting it up and putting the fish in, the goldfish developed four white zit looking things on her head. They stick out and look as if you could just simply pluck them. I've tried looking it up, with no sucess. Any ideas? Thank you for your time.




It sounds to me like a parasite. You should try treating the tank with an anti parasitical medicine purchased from your local fish/pet store. Turn the temperature up a few degrees usually helps as well.

If the antiparasite does not work for you and no improvement is evident after the treatment period, please feel free to contact me again and I will see if I can help you out with another diagnoses. Fish diagnosing is pretty well just guess and check.

I hope this helps.

From Stephanie