Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > fish help urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fish help urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23 16:52:35

can you please just give me a list of items i need to start my freshwater aquarium please i am majoring in marine biology and i just need a little help.  From the water tempature to the amount of food. thank u  


I will try my best, but you may need to be a little more specific as to what kind of information you are looking for.

For supplies, you will need:
The aquarium
A filter
A heater (unless you are doing coldwater)
An aerator, hose and air stone
Plants (real or plastic)
Hood and light
Food (as for how much- you can start with a small container I am sure)
Any chemicals you will be using (dechlorinator, Cycle ect.)
A net (just in case)

You should keep your temperature between 78 and 82 F. 78 is a comfortable temperature for most fish.

If there is anything I missed here, please contact me again.

I hope this helps.
