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How to Choose Fresh Water Fishes

23 16:25:29

Hi.My son was given a 2.5 gallon aquarium with 2 lion head gold fishes for a gift. So far, 1 has died in just a day and the other one is not looking so great at this time. If this fish does not make it...what other assorted tropical fishes should I get him for this size of tank? Ones that are strong fishes that won't die so fast.

Hi Lori,
Sorry to hear about the goldfish loss. The cause was most certainly water quality related.  A 2.5 gallon is no home for goldfish. Since goldies are such big polluters and they do grow large, a minimum tanksize of 20-gallons is best for them to really thrive.

Since this tank has just been setup, there isn't yet enough bacteria for the ammonia to be kept under control. There are special bacteria that convert ammonia (from fish waste) into less toxic substances. Ammonia is very toxic to fish even in trace amounts. All aquariums have to go through what's called "Cycling" or allowing the tank to mature and colonize the bacteria in large enough amounts to keep the ammonia at zero. If you need more help on this, look here-

There aren't too many fish suitable for a tank of such small size unfortunately. However, the best fish for that size aquarium would be a Betta. These fish are very easy to care for. You can read all about them here-

The best thing you can do to save the last little lionhead goldfish to to change as much water as you can in his tank. Drain the water down to leave just enough so he can remain comfortable and not spook too much. Then replace it with water that has been dechlorinated with a good water conditioner and equal in temperature to the tank.

If he survives, try to move him into something bigger, even an inexpensive 10-gallon with a power filter would be great.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!