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Fish with ragged tails

25 9:09:28

Ich is a re-occuring problem in my fish tank.
Is there a better way to get the problem dealt with other than just medication? Is there something wrong with the water or anything else?

It sounds like Ich has never really gone away. It is a pain in the butt to treat.

Get Maracide, which is a bit of a stronger medication, and go through the entire treatment. Take the activated carbon insert out of the tank, and try to keep the tank dark. VERY DARK. Cover the top with a piece of carbord. Tape some black construction paper to three sides. Ich usually come out at night to bite the fish. Getting them out from under the gravel will make it easier for the medicine to get to them. And always, always follow the directions on the package and treat the fish as long as directed.

I hope you have more luck treating your tank.