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My fish wont eat HELP!!!!!

23 16:29:14

Hello, I am having major problems with my fish. I have a 2 year old 30 gallon tank with an angelfish, two dinosaur bichirs, a blue gourami and a placo and they are all new fish except the gourami. Unfortunately, they absolutely refuse to eat. I've tried bloodworms, and flakes both tropical and goldfish. This has happened everytime I have attempted to keep pet fish, they starve themselves and waste away. I hate to see it happen bacause I love them so, and really want to get into the hobby.
Thank you, Aaron

Interesting that this happens every time. I would try frozen brine shrimp, pellets, and maybe granuals. Also, make sure your water is ok, take a sample to your petstore and test it and make sure you have added declorinator. Also, try romaine hearts of lettuce, angels love this and this may entice them. However, considering it has happened with other fish, I suspect something is wrong with your tank or equipment. Perhaps you have forgotten to declorinate? Or maybe the ammonia in the tank is too high? I am not sure but it does not sound like something wrong with the food or the fish but rather the tank itself. Test your water, be sure you declorinated, and try these new foods. When you feed them, give them alittle food and walk away. Try to not sit and watch them as they might be shy. Also, do not overfeed, even if they dont eat, do not continue to feed them. I would double check everything on your tank and the water. Dont let  this make you give up either, sometimes it takes a while to get the hang of it. Even with senior fish keepers like myself, I still have problems from time to time. Just closely examine all of your equipment and test your water. I hope something pops up you notice and it can be fixed. Let me know if you need more help or if you can not find anything wrong with the tank or equipment or the fish do not like the new food. Feel free to ask any more questions. I hope my ideas work.