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multiple problems with fish and tank

23 16:52:06

In January 2007, I bought a 5 gallon tank and bought a black goldfish with bulging eyes. I can't get the nitrite level where it should be even with pretty drastic water changes.  I think that the fish might have ICK; there is a small patch of white specks beside the gills. I have started treating it with some "Ick" tablet that dissolves in the water. It says after 24 hrs to do a 25% water change and continue treatment.(I still do around 40% because of the nitrite level.)  I am on day 3. Should I treat for secondary infections at the same time? The fish's eyes are getting cloudy.  It was sitting on the bottom of the tank last night.  I have also added tablespoon of aquarium salt with each change.  I also have an airstone in the tank. I don't know what to do about this situation.  

Hi Kim
Honestly, you really need to get him a larger tank.  Can you upgrade to at least a 10 gallon?  That's the bare minimum size for a goldfish, usually it's more like 15 gallons is what's recommended though, but 10 could work.  It'll be a lot more easier to keep the water conditions under control.  Walmart sells a basic 10 gallon set up with a filter, I think for around 30.00.  

The problem with your tank, it should be cycled by now, but because of the size, it's not able to cycle properly.   The fish is just putting out too much ammonia for the beneficial bacteria to keep up.  That's why you're seeing the nitrites.  That's also why the fish is sitting on the bottom of the tank.  Keep up with the ich treatment, you'll need to do this for about 14 days though.  Don't add other meds, that'll only stress him out more.  Change out 30% of the water every day.  Also continue with the salt.  That's good for the nitrite problem(helps with the gills and oxygen absorption in the blood) and also the ich.  Doing the daily water changes will remove the salt and meds, so remember that when adding new salt and meds so you don't overdose.

If you are able to get the larger tank, run both filters on the new tank-the new one and the current one you have on the tank.  Also add the same gravel and the same decorations from the 5 gallon to the new tank.  All your beneficial bacteria will be on all that stuff, so when you can start the new tank up, it'll be a very quick cycle process and the water parameters should level out fairly quick.  If it's going to be awhile before you can get a new tank, and you get the ich treated, you'll still need to do those frequent water changes.  The ammonia and nitrites will build up quickly, and you'll be right back at this point again.  If you can't get the new tank, might be best to consider giving away the fish.

Sorry for the news, hope it works out and you can get the larger tank!!  Let me know if you have more questions!!
