Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > my 3 year old parrot stays upside down in the bottom of the tank.

my 3 year old parrot stays upside down in the bottom of the tank.

23 15:18:04

parrot laying upside down
parrot laying upside d  
My parrot is having problem in swimming as it lays upside down in the bottom of the tank and it swims with a great difficulty.Most of the time it stays at the bottom of the tank in upside down position and doesnot feed properly.This problem occured about 6 months.Please help me out, as you have been helping others.

Your fish is having problems with his swim bladder. This organ is what keeps your fish buoyant. Fast the fish for 2 days and on the third day, feed it a cooked shelled pea, then fast again for two days. Do not feed the fish any type of flake foods. Since this has been going on for 6 months, there is a good chance the fish will not make it. This problem should have been taken care of when you first saw there was a problem. It is also very important that you keep the tank water very clean. Let me know is the pea does not work.