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water clarity and filtration solutions

25 9:15:23

Hello Karen,

I currently own a 37gal freshwater aquaium. I am using a outside (waterfall) type of filter rated for aquriums of 40gal or less. I have 4 angelfish, 12 tetras( lemon, blk phantom and rosy) along with 3 cherry barbs, and 3 cory catfish and a pleco. All are small(under 2").
Ok, now my question. I am having big problems with water clarity. I do not overfeed. The filter i use uses the standerd (bio-bag) configuration but just wont clear up the water. I have tried adding some extra cotton(floss) in the filter and that helps slightly but not nearly enough. I have also tried chemical treatments that claim to make filters work better but with no success. Can you offer me some suggustions? I am at my wits end and feel like giving up at this point. Thank you for any input you can offer.

Dear Paul, I'm sorry for getting to you so late. Our website has been under some re-doing and trouble with pages loading and errors have been the result.

~Cloudy water can be a baffling mystery to many aquarists. The most frequent cloudiness is the explosion of bacteria free-floating in the water due to a sudden availability of nutrients, often in new aquariums but cloudy water can pop up in old, established tanks as well if something goes wrong with the water. It is not impossible to keep a clear aquarium for years and years as long as it's maintained properly. Your case may just be too much bioload for your filter and beneficial bacteria to handle. What I would do is 50% water changes everyday until the aquarium clears. Trust me. Water changes are the solution to all water quality problems, there are no alternatives. Chemicals do nothing and I know from experience. But good size water changes and patience have won every single time.
Remember to always make the replacement water equal in temperature to that of your aquarium and it is properly dechlorinated every time.

No doubt about it. Water changes are the solution and is what I recommend above all. 50% is best. But always remember to treat the replacement water correctly.

If you still have problems with cloudiness after a week or two of 50% everyday water changes, let me know.

Best wishes and happy fishkeeping!