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tetras and betas

23 16:09:41

QUESTION: I have 3 mixed fruit tetras, 4 neon tetras, and 2 Cory cat in my tank, which I have had for a year or so.  It is a 10 gallon tank. I just recently added a beta.  Right now they seem to be fine and getting along.  My question is: will they continue to get along or will things change.

ANSWER: Hi Angie: The betta and your other fish should do just fine together... I keep my betta in tanks with tetra and rarely have any issues at all... dave

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QUESTION: It did not work.  They got the beta.  I know not to do that again. He dont just fine for the first few hours, then I came in and they had his long fins gone.  Thank you for an answer anyway, just wish we would have known, but like any other animal, they are unpredictable.

ANSWER: That is very unusual... the betta for its size is one of the toughest fish in the world.  The betta you had may have been sick or weakened.  If he is still alive you can treat him with malafix and his fins will grow back... dave

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QUESTION: The betta did not make it.  He was gone that evening.  He seemed healthy before.  When I put him in the big tank he swam all over.  I dont think that there was anything wrong with him.

mine have lived with tetra and barbs for over a year... Others that I have had have lived in similar situations with other fish and one in particular kept a four inch angelfish bully in check for about two years... Betta are quite adept at living with other fish... and for taking care of themselves.  They were  and still are (sadly) used as sport because of their tenacious attitude as fighting fish...and an article that I read a long time ago talked extensively about the fighting process that they go through ... more on the psychological repercussions of the fish... the article indicated that betta who had been traumatized at some point in their fighting career (or in life in general) lost the willingness to defend themselves.  There are things that happen in fish keeping every day that are not the norm.... for instance I once had a silver molly that killed everything that ever lived with her... including African cichlids that were twice her size.  dave