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API super ick cure

23 15:26:30

I have some problems with ick in my tank, and have for a couple of months, and i want it out.
I went and got this API Super Ick Cure and I'm not really agreeing with the way they wat me to use it.
3.6 mg Malachite Green and 60 mg Nitrofurazone per packet.
Telling me to remove filter catridge and continue to aerate. For each 10 gallons of water in the tank put 1 packet in. repeat dose after 48 hours. repeat dose again with a 25% water change another 48 hours from that. For scaleless fish treat at half the normal dose.
I have 10 fish and then a clawed frog
1 Iridescnet Shark which is he main one with ick
2 dragon gobys
2 golden plecos
2 electric blue jack dempseys
3 jack dempseys
1 clawed frog
I'm not comfortable leaving my filter out of commission for that long. if it is okay to treat please let me know. i put in 3 packets then 4 hours later put in a already used filter washed.
please get back to me as soon as possible.
thank you,

Hi Adam,
Stubborn ick infestations are never fun (trust me I know)

Make sure you are keeping the temperature at least 85 degree to help with the fishes immune systems.

The only reason (as you may know) to remove the filter cartridge is to prevent the carbon in the cartridge from absorbing the medications

You can also simply cut a slit in the fiber and dump the carbon out and continue to use the cartridge just fine.

Most carbon is well spent already after running in your filter for more than a few weeks.

Its not the most ideal thing to not have your filter running without the cartridge, water changes will make up for the lack of filter media.
Actually, water changes are some of the most beneficial things you can do for your fish when they are sickly.

I am afraid of your clawed frog, plecos, and dragon gobies. They can be sensitive to medications and water pollution. So keep a careful watch on them. Using the medication at half the dose should be OK, but just know its quite a strong chemical on them.
If they don't show any signs of ick I'd actually try to move them into a separate tank if possible.

Best of luck with your little fish and frog crew!
I hope this helps!