Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Neon tetras; hardy or delicate?

Neon tetras; hardy or delicate?

25 9:22:09

I have a 10 gal. tank currently housing:
1 male betta
5 zebra danios
I was wondering if it would be alright to also keep 4-6 neon tetras in the tank. It is fully cycled and has been up and running for at least a year now. All the fish are healthy and active.
I know some aquarists might say my tank would be overstocked if you go by the one inch rule but I really don't go by that, I am willing to do large
very frequent water changes to keep up with the water quality and I also have live plants.
So, I would like to know I've heard so many things
about neons being delicate and others about them being hardy. I have heard many will die when first
introduced to the aquarium. I have also heard they have little resistance to disease. I would like to know your opinion. I'm sure you've had experience with neon tetras, are they all that delicate as people try and claim they are? If you think this is a bad choice for my tank what other fish do you recommend for a somewhat docile betta?
I would love to have another schooling type of fish.
Any suggestions are very welcome,
Ps: Just to let you know. I am not a beginner and I am very experienced in fishkeeping. BYE!

Hi Susan;

I apologize for not answering your question sooner. The AllExperts system would not accept any responses to any of my questions. I have been trying for 3 days! (So much for my "timing" ratings)


Neons would be a nice addition to your tank. Try 5 of them and see how they do. They aren't particularly delicate, they just prefer soft water at about 6.5 to 6.8 pH. Make frequent water changes of 25% weekly to keep everyone healthy.

Followups welcome.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins