Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Pleco?


23 16:37:08

I just bought a 55 gal. tank yesterday and let it run over night.  I put my other fish in the tank this morning and then this afternoon I went and bought a pleco.  He seems to be constantly moving...will he be ok or does he not have enough to eat?  Did I do wrong by buyin him and putting him in there?  Should I have waited?  Or is he just gettin used to the surroundings?  Hope to hear from you soon!  Thank you!

What kind of pleco are we talking about?  If he is a common pleco, he will outgrow your tank in about a year, and he will be so big that he limits the number of other inhabitants that can be put in a tank.  If you want to make sure he has enough to eat, buy algae wafter/pellets and give them to him at night, and you can also put cucumber in the tank.  Check your water daily for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.  If ammonia or nitrite get above .25 do a 50% water change.  You will be doing a lot of 50% water changes over the next 6-8 weeks.  This is called cycling.  Do not buy any more fish until ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0 and there are trace nitrate readings.  If you have more questions, please let me know.  Good luck Ryan