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freshwater pufferfish

23 15:44:56

I recently got a 2.3g wallhang aquarium,my concern is what type of fish would you recommend, because of the space. (i was thinking of dwarf pufferfish).      
                            :thanks  :)

Hi Joe,

Because of your aquarium size, your choices would be extremely limited. A 2.3 gallon aquarium cannot accommodate many species. Does the tank have a filter? If it does not, you cannot have any fish in it. This is often a problem with many small 'designer' aquariums, as they were manufactured for the 'look' rather for practicality.

If it does not have a filter, you can't sustain fish in it. Your best bet would be to return it and get a 5 gallon aquarium kit such as the one below:

Or, if you really want to try out the 2.3 gallon, at least get a small filter for it:

Remember, you cannot have fish without a filter. They will die in a month or less.

If it has a small filter, or if you've bought one, then that's great! Even if you have a filter, your fish choices are limited to at most two fish. Dwarf puffers would NOT work, unfortunately, because they need their space, at least 10-20 gallons. You could have two of the fish below:
(I'd recommend you pick two fish of the same species, because they will go better together)

-Zebra Danio
-Leopard Danio
-White Cloud Mountain Minnow
-A single (1) Betta Fish

* NO Tetras
* No Sharks
* No Fish over 2"
* No Cichlids (Including Angelfish)
* No Goldfish

Because of the aquarium size, you'll need to do water changes every week. A 50% water change every week would be best for your tank. Replace the old water with water treated with a water conditioner (available at your local fish store).

I hope this helps! Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!