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Wolf Fish

23 15:55:26

i just purchased a 13" Wolf Fish and he gets along with an alligator gar 12" in a
120 gal tank, but why doesnt he get along with my Jaguar 11" or Red Devil 12"
long ... he attacks them like crazy but leaves any small fish or the Gar alone
........  i'm reading that they are  very aggressive and jump out of tanks .. can u
give me some info on him .. thanks a  bunch ...

Hi Salvatore;

Wolf fish are just naturally aggressive and territorial. I guess he wants the whole tank to himself! He can't help it, it's his nature. He will grow to be over a foot long too so if he won't settle down you may have to give him his own place after all. Provide more caves and hiding places and move stuff around every week or two too. It helps avoid the fish establishing really firm territories if they are all disrupted from time to time. Just don't stack the rocks too high or they could fall and break the tank glass.

All large fish could possibly jump from their tanks. Their bodies are very strong and can knock tank lids right off or break them. They can even break the tank glass if they get really rambunctious. That's the reason bigger fish like yours are known as "tank busters". Territorial disputes are a common cause, and so is a startled fish from a noise, bump, quick movement, or lights being turned on or off too quickly. I had two pacu that lived in a 240 gallon and they were over a foot and a half long each. We had to keep two iron bars on top of the lids to keep them in the tank at night. So, I know what you're facing. Just do the best you can...

Good luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins