Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > black ghost and a beta together

black ghost and a beta together

25 9:00:43

Hi there!
Thanks for your time in helping out! I have 2 questions:
I have a 20 gallon freshwater tank with a wonderful and playful black ghost only. I have an elephant nose on order.
1. Can I put my Beta in with the black ghost and eventually the elephant nose?
2. I was going to order 3 elepahnt noses, but should I just order 1 first so they don't gang up on the ghost?
Thanks again for your time. It is very nice of you.
Jill Danielle


Just so you know, it is not necessary to include your e-mail in your message. I don't mind and won't abuse it, but visitors to the site will be able to see it unless you mark your question as private.

Now about your questions:

1) Yes, you can put your betta with your other fish. Bettas tend to only be aggresive to other bettas.

2) I would start with all 3 elephant noses, because that way they will be from the same group and may be more likely to school. I have found in my angelfish, that the ones I bought at one time connect, while my second group hang out together.

I hope this helps.

From Stephanie