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Beta Fish Illness

23 17:02:55

It's 5 AM and he is totally on his side on the bottom ofthe tank - can't find any clove oil (I tried calling last night just about every pharmacy or vitamin shop) can
I place him in a small container with his aquarium water and freeze him instead of just leting him ly their and die slowly?
The text above is a follow-up to ...

Our Beta has been well and thriving for over a year.  He lives ina 10 gallon heated aquarium with the usual rocks and foilage and has never had any "fish diseases". We went on vacation for a week and transfered him to his "vacation" aquarium and left him with relatives.  Picked him up two days ago (after being gone 7 days) and he was listless, fins drooping and had 2 white fuzzy patches on his body.  Read up on this and appears to be "fungus". We medicated the aquarium with "fungus cure" by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals" yesterday and he will get another do in 48 hours.  We also raised his thermostatto 82 degrees because we read fungus can't grow in that warm of water.  Is that correct?  This morning the fuzzy patches are gone but he is stil listless, lyingat the bottom of the aquarium.  We are feeding him an anti-bacterial food.  He comes to the top only once in awhile.
Should we leave his tank light on as we normally do (about 8-10 hours a day) or keep it off while he is ill?  We just need to know if we are doing all we can.  We love this little fish - he's brought us lots of happiness.


Hi Karen,
I would leave the light on as normal and do lots of daily water changes as fungus is brought on by poor water quality. If the medication you are using is not working i would recommend using aquarium salt at 1 teaspoon per one and a half gallons.


Hi Karen,
Try  to introduce a small amount of vodka to a cup of tank water. The fish slowly winds down and just fades away. You can do this in a mixing bowl add a few drops and after about 10 minutes or so the fish will start to die.
