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dwarf pufferfish

23 15:41:58

hi matt! have a ten gallon tank that i just set up that is currently freshwater, but i was hoping to add a figure eight puffer fish or a dwarf pufferfish to it. which one do you think is the most compatible with my tank and maybe a few different species of fish? would the figure eight need a higher slainity rate than just freshwater? and what kind of plants would i be able to add? thanks"

Hi Nick,
All puffers are agressive and should have a tank of its own.  In a 10 gallon tank, they will easily claim large territories and bite any fish that invades.  I hear they claim 5 gallons as their territory.  Its better if you keep one puffer or puffer species only tank.  But since you have a 10 gallon, I would suggest only 1-2 puffer.  But once they mature, and if you have more than 1 male, you will see aggressiveness amoung the fish.

Freshwater puffers prefer brackish water over straight freshwater.  But they can adapt to both.  They can do well with any plants.    